Vernal Equinox – Back Bay/Redhead Bay – Ragged Island – Rock Island Haul 20050320

Distance: 7.93

Spring is here, WOOO HOOO! After starting out kind of ugly (early Morning rain), the day turned out really nice, mostly sunny, upper 50s lower 60s with about 8 MPH of wind out of the east. Headed down to the VDGIF ramp on Mill Landing road, which sits at the northern end of Back Bay. 

After launching the boat, I headed east to Ragged Island, about a 2.75 mile straight line shot. Had a nice run out, thankfully wasn’t fighting a strong headwind for once. Got to the island, and did a little exploring, and as a sign of spring noticed much more wildlife activity, many more birds, and plenty of turtles out sunning, I also noticed that the reeds getting ready to send up new growth. After taking the passage to the east side of the island and looking around there for a while.

I was pondering going the extra mile and a quarter to False Cape State Park. That moment was short-lived, after I noticed a lot of convection (Possible Thunderstorms) to the west, and not really wanting to be in the middle of open water in a thunderstorm holding a lightning rod, I decided to cut the trip short, and head back while keeping an eye on the weather.

On the way back the clouds started looking less threatening, but even though I was committed to heading back, I exercised the option to check out what is left of Rock Island Haul, which, according to the Topo Maps, were once good-sized islands, but I guess storms over the years have just about wiped them out as illustrated by the last couple of pictures. 

I am delighted with the performance of the new boat, accelerates really nice, the weird thing is paddling with swells, it just doesn’t feel like you’re going as fast as you really are…

Okay, I’ve bored you enough, so until next time…





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